BDO Nigeria provides professional consulting services in audit, tax, and various advisory services.

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BDO Corporate Profile

BDO Nigeria, as a member firm of BDO International, upholds the high standards set by the global network. The firm's origins can be traced back to its initial association with Coopers & Lybrand, where Oyediran, Faleye, Oke & Co operated as an indigenous practice alongside the international firm. This partnership continued until July 1, 1998, when Oyediran, Faleye, Oke & Co transitioned from Coopers & Lybrand following its global merger with Price Waterhouse. Subsequently, the firm became a proud member of BDO International B.V., aligning itself with the global brand's excellence and integrity. BDO Nigeria offers a comprehensive suite of professional consulting services, including audit, tax, and a variety of advisory services. The firm is dedicated to providing innovative solutions and expert guidance to its clients, ensuring they achieve their business objectives and navigate the complexities of the modern business environment with confidence. BDO Nigeria's team of professionals brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, delivering exceptional value to clients across different sectors.
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